Tools and Strategies for Staying Organized

I have always struggled with identifying which organization systems work best for me when it comes to scheduling, client note-taking, business building, etc.

Honestly, there are just so many options that this preference assessment (*exposure to all options and track which one you like the best) has been a long and strenuous process…. but I think I have figured it out!

When choosing a system I stick with something for a significant amount of time to become accustomed to new ways of doing things. Patience is key and allowing time for learning the system before disregarding it is also VERY important.

Now, this post is really just my story and I hope that some of these tools and strategies help you out on your journey to organization optimization! 

  1. The Passion Planner - 5 Star Review!

    For all of those big dreamers out there this planner has been a game-changer for me! When I first got a passion planner, I didn’t use it to 100% of its capabilities - I just used the weekly planners and didn’t do any of the goal-setting - so I dropped it because I thought it didn’t work for me. BUT NOW I use it religiously. I have had my planner for 7 months now and each week I set aside a time on Sundays to plan ahead and set my goals for the week based on my long-term monthly goals that were completed in the monthly review. I love this planner because it balances the personal and professional. It has kept me mindful about my priorities and taking care of me as well as prioritizing work responsibilities. 

  2. Using digital calendars for the everyday / rough draft.

    I currently use iCal, but any digital calendar will do. This allows me to schedule in appointments for the following weeks so that when I get to my Sunday of planning for the week I can add those into the Passion planner, which is my final copy . I am not a fan of erasing things but also don’t want to be 100% connected to my electronic devices to know my schedule. I also found Digital calendars didn’t work for me when it came to long-term planning and personal activates (e.g., workouts, meals, etc.).

  3. The GoodNotes app!

    My dear friend introduced me to this app and I will NEVER go back. I always idolized people who could use notebooks for journalling, client notes, personal development, and more. I tried and failed miserably, the effort of putting pen to paper was too much for me. I had so many half-used notebooks that I just wasted. Luckily my fiancé used them for school and doesn’t mind the funky designs so we are in the clear. As I digress, with the online notebooks I have been able to curate and individualize my notebooks and dive into creative flow, while also reducing the impact on the environment. No trees are harmed in this process!  Of course with this transition, I invested in the Apple Pencil for my iPad which also has increased the value of the item (I just love drawing and writing with such ease!).

  4. Designate a time and space for reflection and organization every week.

    Make this time fun and exciting rather than seeing it as a chore. Some ways to do this is to go on an outing to your favourite café or having a friend over or video chatting while you plan together (usually in silence). These two adjustments have been amazing for maintaining that January motivation. I made this change because I found myself getting back into a pattern of being super motivated in January to get my life on track then by February I had reverted back to my old disorganized ways. 

    Hello… it must work because we are almost in October and I am STILL on this train! (never happened before!)

  5. Allow yourself grace when you fall behind.

    If you find yourself just not getting to the planning one week that is okay. Notice the difference in your week and adjust accordingly. If it becomes too much, start with taking action on the simplest of steps (e.g., putting in work appointments) and then work your way back up to where you were before. We are human. Motivation to stay organized is going to ebb and flow and that is 100% normal! 

Organization and planning are hard and require a lot of time and effort sometimes. As an entrepreneur, I know it is going to be the key to my success. I suggest taking a look at the systems you have tried and ranking them from favourite to least favourite and starting with the ones you just LOVE and are the easiest for YOU!

Take any of the above steps and start with the simplest one for you then continue adding more and more. This will help with momentum and you will be organized and building big dreams in no time! 

xoxo, Nicole

Your Behaviour Gal

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