How to Drink More Water: 6 Tips to Happy Hydration

Every health guru and expert will tell you to drink more water. I think the common recommendation is 8 cups a day - the equivalent to 4L.

Now, that’s a lot of water for a lot of people to just IMAGINE consuming. 

We know the health benefits of water: 

  • Healthier skin

  • Better digestion 

  • Regulate body temperature 

  • And so much more! 

We have been told these fun facts since we were children and still… as adults we continue to struggle to meet this goal. As we know in the science of human behaviour, just telling someone to do something is not going to change anything… unless they are extremely rule-governed (then we may have some success)! 

I feel like I am an exception to this rule, because if you know me well you know that I RARELY ever drink water from just a 250ml glass. My water drinking behaviour changed when I was motivated to be a better athlete.

I remember to this day, my swim coach sat the whole group down and emphasized the importance of hydration and how it improves performance. He told us to stand up and turn around to examine the colour of our urine (RIGHT - what kind of coach does this?! He was amazing). He said that if it was a deep to dark yellow that meant we were not drinking enough. If it was light yellow I was on track. This gave me some clear data to help identify if I was on the right track. It was MEASURABLE and you know how much I love data - even as a child! 

Now you may be wondering why I have maintained my water drinking behaviour for these past 10 years, and the reason is that it was reinforced. I feel more energized, clear-headed and yes - my pee is always light yellow! On the days that I do not drink enough, I experience a lot of aversive symptoms (e.g., headaches, fatigue, irritability, etc.). This is not ideal so you bet I am running back to my water bottle!

You’re likely reading this and thinking… c’mon Nicole get to the point, I need to change my water drinking behaviour NOW!  

Okay, okay - here are some simple actionable steps that you can take to increase your overall water consumption:

1. Get a large water bottle

I’m talkin’ 1-2 litres here! This will reduce the overall response effort it takes to get up off of the couch and fill up a cup. Who really wants to that 8+ times a day… we are busy busy people. Here are some of the bottles I LOVE (you can find links at the bottom of this post, too):

2. Make that a bottle with a straw

If you are really wanting to reduce response effort even further, get yourself a bottle with a straw. Now you don’t even have to tip it up to your mouth or open a lid. Game changer!

3. Flavour your water

If you don’t love the taste of water you can start with flavouring it. I like a little lemon and a mint leaf just to spice things up. Once you get used to the amount of water consumption you can start to fade back on the extras as I am sure you will feel the benefits of hydration! 

4. Keep your bottle handy

Have a water bottle stored in your car (full, ideally) before you start your driving/commuting for the day. This is great for a backup in case you forgot to bring your water bottle (my worst nightmare!!) and/or you need to stay concentrated and energized during those long commutes! 

5. Get a bottle that has a handle!

This was a game-changer for me. Now I just carry it around with me wherever I go. Having a water bottle with me has helped to avoid buying sugary drinks due to extreme thirst. When we are in a place of extreme thirst or hunger we are less likely to make the better choice. 

6. Drink water in the morning

This will help to flush out your system as well as get you energized for the day. My favourite time to drink water is on my morning walk while listening to some of my favourite podcasts!

There you have it - my 6 simple tips for hitting your water goal!

When starting your journey, work your way up because 4L is a lot and be sure to check your data (i.e., pee colour!). I hope you found these strategies helpful and wish you all Happy Hydration! 

xoxo, Nicole

Your Behaviour Gal

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