How I Passed the Biggest Exam of my Life in One Go

For all you test-takers out there…..

I know the BCBA exam can be frightening, anxiety-provoking, and darn right intimidating.

But let me tell you, Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was prepping for the exam. Now if you are anything like me, you may be overly organized, dangerously determined, and extremely motivated to conquer the beast. To do this, you need to design a blueprint that works for you. A detailed and individualized plan is going to get you to your goal as well as a few hacks that can make your studying time more efficient and effective!

Here are my top 10 tips for passing the exam. Let’s get started!

  1. Begin designing your the BadA$$ Exam Prep Blue Print

    Like all of you, I was scared and procrastinated on this part for so long. My learning history showed me that in order for me to do hard things, when I write down the plan and break it down into manageable chunks I would do best. Start with monthly goals and break those down into weekly goals.

  2. Decide on your timeline

    With the new rules you now have so much flexibility to individualize your studying.

  3. Find a Crew!

    This one is super important! Surround yourself with others who are stronger than you in some areas; this way you will always be motivated to do better.

  4. Use the Cooper Book

    This book is a gold mine for examples that really clarify each concept. It can be overwhelming, so use the index to your advantage!

  5. Do as many mock exams as you can

    Mock exams will give you a good idea of which areas you are not familiar with and where to focus your studying. I recommend doing a mock exam and writing down all the areas of the task list that you struggled with. From there, spend a few hours brushing up on theory before tackling another mock!

  6. Practice breaking down each question

    Really look at what the question is asking you, then rule out the answers that are definitely incorrect. From there, you need to trust your gut instinct. Start learning if your gut is right, if it is then you will be more confident when discriminating some of the trickier questions in the actual exam.

  7. Avoid Alcohol with Studying

    I know its hard not to use wine as a reward BUT here is why you should avoid it: consumption of alcohol has been strongly associated with the loss of memory and things learned. This effect can occur as long as 5 days prior. So at least 2 weeks before the exam, aim to reduce overall alcohol consumption. You will thank me later!

  8. Use sleep to your advantage

    During sleep, we do all of our learning and problem solving! If you are really struggling with a concept, read and review various materials before winding down for the night. Getting a full 7-9 hours of sleep, you will experience all of the benefits and you may just know it in the AM.

  9. Mimic Exam Conditions

    This means setting yourself up just like you would at the testing centre. Set yourself up in a room with varied temperature, determine which method of noise cancellation you prefer (ear plugs or head phones) and set a timer for 4 hours. By doing this 48-72 hours before the exam, you will feel more confident, calm and collected when you get to the actual centre.

  10. Most importantly, take care of YOU!

    The studying schedule can be grueling and overwhelming at times, so it’s essential to schedule time for what lights you up and fills your cup.

If you are struggling with getting this set up, feel free to send me a DM or e-mail to chat further. I am always happy to set up virtual meet-ups to hash out the deets and help you to get on the right track!

xoxo, Nicole

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